I am a novice animator who wants to work for a Professional animation company in the future. Through out my life, I have created many forms of Multi-media works of art. Traditional pencils, Digital images, and 2D/3D animations.

Joseph Calabrese @JoeSketchConcepts-NG

Age 35, Male

Hobby animator

orange coast college


Joined on 1/18/10

Exp Points:
14,034 / 14,390
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Vote Power:
7.74 votes
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B/P Bonus:
6y 6m 7d

JoeSketchConcepts-NG's News

Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - February 1st, 2017

For the past month, I have been juggling my free time online between uploading images for DeviantArt and Working on an animation assignment for ZombieWolf.net.

In my last Newgrounds journal I had texted about working on a collaboration with Manx1. But before I could begin doing any work for Manx1, I was contacted twice by an online group called, ZombieWolf.net. So I ended up never starting doing any work for Manx1's ideas. So everything between me and him are just on hold. I have become an unpaid intern and have begun working on my first assignment given to me by ZombieWolf's Owner. The story-script and recorded-voice-acting was made by other members of the group. So the next animation I create will be owned by ZombieWolf.net and will more entertaining than anything I have done by myself. And I am planning on getting this all done before February ends.

In other news, I plan on voting in the Newgrounds portal every day until I reach level 22. which should be about 2 to 3 weeks from now. And as far as setting up my Profile's and online portfolios. I honestly have not done anything . . . Yet.


Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - January 1st, 2017

I feel good right now!

After about three months of animating (1 month of lollygagging, honestly) I had FINALLY uploaded that dancing crab cartoon before the year 2016 ends! And while I was uploading and putting in information about said cartoon, I had discovered this web-page called "Collabinate" here at Newgrounds. After four days of sending/receiving messages, I have found one other Newground-er, Who is named Manx1, who wants' me to collaborate with him on making a cartoon series! (Or at least one pilot episode.) He and I have never collaborated before, So we are both on the same level.

The first step I am going to make, Is creating a rough storyboard. It will be about the rough script and character ideas I got from one of his messages. And I will get it done by Friday the 6th! This is a deadline I have set up for myself because every project must have deadlines. Or else said project will never get done!

Overall, I am going to be busy this month with Newgrounds, DeviantArt, and updating my portfolios. As I set up some new portfolios, I can only hope that sooner or later, I will get into the animation industry. Someday.


Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - December 2nd, 2016


So yesterday on the 30th of November, I totally forgot to post a Journal for my Newgrounds account. I had originally planned to upload these Journals on Wednesdays. But now I realize I should just upload a new Journal on the First of each month, regardless of what I'm doing on DeviantArt.

I have also been making good progress with this one animation I have been working off and on again during the fall seasons. There is only 4 weeks left in the year 2016. And I plan on using that time to submit a second animated movie here on Newgrounds. this will give me more confidence to work on more than two movies in 2017.

In other news, I have decided to use my Newgrounds account as a dumping ground for all the drawings I create that are too sexual for DeviantArt to accept. I am never allowed to show a woman getting fucked in the pussy by a penis on DeviantArt.com. However, That would totally be alright to show on Newgrounds.com. So long as it's not anyway related to pedophilia, That's wrong no matter what.


Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - November 2nd, 2016

Another month has come and gone. And I'm still working on this one dancing animation from September. Apperantly I'm trying to make it look really good before finally uploading it. THAT'S WHY!

While I'm animating, I begin to think about what I should work on next? I have thought about Doing really short looping animations of my daily life. Like wiping down tables at my weekend job. OR switching out a ton of family photographs as I am scanning them all into degital space. OR maybe even just porno video of a big breasted female moving up and down while having sex! I don't know at this point. But I do know that I wont ever work on Animated pornography. Because I would end up working on something that's really good looking AND I would feel embarassed if somebody in my real life saw it. No thank you!

Oh. and I'v been busy with working on other visual projects for DevaintArt.com Espesially carving out this Giant pumpkin during Halloween weekend. You can see the result at DeviantArt.com. And Tumblr.com later on. Bassicly I have two words to discribe Tumblr. "Back up DeviantArt." Everything I do at DeviantArt on Friday, is then copied and pasted towards Tumblr on Tuesday the next week. I do this just so I can attract the most audiance from as much areas around the world wide web. Somewhat simple.

Overall, I'm just living life one season at a time. Like I always do.


Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - October 5th, 2016

Once agian, I have broken a promise to myself. Last month I said I would upload a new animation video by the end of september. And I did start off on an animated project that would show off a dancing giant Lobster man. No big story, No time consuming techniques, Just a simple animation that is fun to watch. But alas, I did not deliver on time. But then agian, Nobady asked for it. So why am I complaining abou it? What I can do now is to use this month of October to to make last months animation even better! Because I have more time now.

At the same time, I will need to re-animate my personal Swastika Logo to be only 3-to-5 seconds long. 11 seconds is WAY to long for any logo animation. I only made it so long just to show off how it was created in my mind. For the shorter version, I could show it crawing on screen like a spider. Or have it spin in place like a Frisbee. Or even fold out like a flower. Any of these short ideas will make it look more like somthing original and not somthing asociated with World War 2. ( If you know what I mean.)

So possibly I can make up for last months no-show with a double feature on Halloween night! Who knows?


Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - August 31st, 2016

For now on, Strarting from the autumn of 2016. I am going to create a once-a-month Journal on my Newgrounds account.

These journal entries will be similar to the ones I make at DeviantArt.com. The differance being that DeviantArt.com is something I participate in once every week. Everyweek I submit new images on Fridays. And on Mondays I upload new Journals for that website.

As for Newgrounds.com, Animations is a time-consuming processe that requres drawing a hell lot more than just working on one image. So once every month, I will upload one new animation to demonstrate my animation creating abilities. Prafurable at the end of each month. AND on the first wednessday of every month, I will upload a new entry that will be about whatever I feel like texting about.

Also, My Newgrounds journals will be different from my DeviantArt journals. Both in name and context.

And that's about it for now. Peace.

Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - February 1st, 2015

From uploading my chess-tank animation, I have now learned to use Youtube.com as a middle man to upload animations that are not of Flash file format. I know this makes two of my submissions not true newgrounds quality becouse they did not go through the Blam/Protect Pollicy. I do not know how to reconfigur a MOV. video file into a Flash. video file. So deal with it.

This Animation of a campfire scene was made with the Adobe After Effects CC Program. This was during a spring college class and I was learning to use the programs tools for the first time.


This also shows my new year's resolution. Upload new art images for My Deviantart account every friday no matter what. And then Upload an Animation project on Newgrounds at the end of every month, No matter what!

That is all for now.

Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - July 17th, 2011

starting on December 17th Friday 2010, I created my octagon robot from scratch.
my biggest mistake in animation is being LAZY! now matter what style of animation your doing, it takes Allot of hard concentrating work to complete a few seconds per week! eventual I Procrastinated with this project and did other things with my life.

Late Sunday July 10th I realized it was Newgrounds ROBOT DAY 2011. So Then and there I decided to to say " the hell with it! ill upload my robot NOW!" So I had some difficulty at first. but I managed to do it.

One week later it has a score of 2.37 / 5.00 which states
"this is not crap but its also not interesting too"
I would like to thank the NewGrounds community for not thinking that my animation is total crap!!

So now I'm going to work on another animation that will
be more simpler to hopefully get a score of 3 out of five or more. Nuff'said for now.

Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - January 6th, 2011

It has bean a year since the date I became a user of newgrounds and most most of that year I have been mostly a user. Playing flash video games, watching movies, and masturbating to porn. yes... I said it and I wont lie about it.

But now, I am really working on a vector based animation that should be around one to two minutes long. And Im doing it all by my self without anybodies help. "except the artist that made the song for this music animation video".

I am using a program called "Anime Studio DEBUT 6" that is not a Adobe Flash Program.
its a cheap $45.00 Program with limited options as a DEBUT set. but it will look good.

Up comming animation.

Posted by JoeSketchConcepts-NG - April 6th, 2010

Hello to any one who actual cares about newbs like me.

anyway, I know that I haven't submitted anything for newgrounds worth seeing.
But my life dream is to become an animator and I'm working on a short 35 second
animation based on one of newgrounds jazz musicians "Nickperrin" sooner or later
I will complete the animation for newgrounds to see by the end of this year.

like said, I R newb so this will be my first project to work on
and I have other things in life"college, work, social activities." that I need to
attend to.