starting on December 17th Friday 2010, I created my octagon robot from scratch.
my biggest mistake in animation is being LAZY! now matter what style of animation your doing, it takes Allot of hard concentrating work to complete a few seconds per week! eventual I Procrastinated with this project and did other things with my life.
Late Sunday July 10th I realized it was Newgrounds ROBOT DAY 2011. So Then and there I decided to to say " the hell with it! ill upload my robot NOW!" So I had some difficulty at first. but I managed to do it.
One week later it has a score of 2.37 / 5.00 which states
"this is not crap but its also not interesting too"
I would like to thank the NewGrounds community for not thinking that my animation is total crap!!
So now I'm going to work on another animation that will
be more simpler to hopefully get a score of 3 out of five or more. Nuff'said for now.