For now on, Strarting from the autumn of 2016. I am going to create a once-a-month Journal on my Newgrounds account.
These journal entries will be similar to the ones I make at The differance being that is something I participate in once every week. Everyweek I submit new images on Fridays. And on Mondays I upload new Journals for that website.
As for, Animations is a time-consuming processe that requres drawing a hell lot more than just working on one image. So once every month, I will upload one new animation to demonstrate my animation creating abilities. Prafurable at the end of each month. AND on the first wednessday of every month, I will upload a new entry that will be about whatever I feel like texting about.
Also, My Newgrounds journals will be different from my DeviantArt journals. Both in name and context.
And that's about it for now. Peace.