This girl could become a main character of her own animated television series. Considering how popular brown girls have become with mainstream cartoon media in the past few years.
And who knows what adventures that hippo would get into.
This girl could become a main character of her own animated television series. Considering how popular brown girls have become with mainstream cartoon media in the past few years.
And who knows what adventures that hippo would get into.
It is striking how the dark night sky and meadows background match up with the character's pink hair and green skin. This looks more like a late night in spring than a dark night in october. As far as I know, flowers do not bloom in autumn season. Though the hot beverage in her left hand is something you'd see later in the year. Keeping warm with food. Lastly, her dress is important. Makes me think she's from a world where Goblins are recognize as civilized peoples. That cute bow tie above her head helps with that.
Overall: Great work of art here!
Classic Cartoon Network character.
Asian girl with long hair and a bright high light.
Huge Big Boobies!
Mico bikini.
And a nice art style.
So many small aspects that make up one great piece of sexual fan-service fan art work.
I think I got it.
The red-suited rider with black and yellow eyes is a reference to the character Necron 99/Peace from the Ralph Bakshi movie "Wizards".
HA! Him and that orange lady beast are totally lovers.
Her big wild Afro hair, Stern look and body position makes Tally look just as amazing as her description. The eyes says she is sharp witted. The clenched fists says she's either ready to fight or do something crazy. And I bet she looks sexy being nude too. She got a nice chest bust.
The other commenter. XwaynecoltX. Might be too critical about the background. The focus here is on the character, not the background.
So your profile Pic is a lizard scallie girl? Cool! You don't see scallie folk as much as you see the typical fox/cat/dog furries in the Anthropomorphic mainstream media. Tara looks very wholesome here. Just standing around and smiling for the camera. I can only imagine what species of reptile she is from looking at her eyes and tail. Is she a Gecko? Long tailed lizard? Small Anole? I don't know. You tell me. Oh! And the colors are wonderful too.
I do not know much about the Anime or the Game??
but that girl with the wicked grin is taking Twitter by storm. The happy-go-crazy gal who likes to make fun of virgin nerds for being so socially awkward. Giver a gun and shits going down! Somebody print and sticker this army girl on a real life tank or something.
Looking at your fan art made me want to check out the Maid Mask in Google images. And I can see why you wanted to make her rip her blouse off. She is naturally gifted like a Hentai porn star! Big She got nice big tiddies for days.
But back to the fan art here. You did a great job recreating the red drenched scene of her walking down the catwalk. And I feel that the overall art style you have here, Is if High Rise Invasion adopted The Simpsons art style. A bit odd. But that makes her exposed breasts here more enjoyable for me. You did well with mimicking her chest size and perky nipples. So good.
I'd love to see more NSFW art works from you!
What perplexes me, Is how the designs of the masks came from different time periods. You uploaded this image into Newgrounds in 2012. Just one year before Danny used the design of his mask presented here for the album "Notes from the Underground". Either they already showed off their new masks in concerts before NFRU album, Or your a time traveler. Either way, This fan art is super cool. All the kick ass members are here. (Sad to not have Da Kurlzz for the "V" and "Empire Vol.1" albums. Oh well.)
Lastly, I don't know or remember if this image was uploaded into DeviantArt? But I think it totally fits within Newgrounds. I can imagine these guys running around singing and killing in their first all Animation music video. Awesome work!
How old is this character anyway? *Looks up Wikipedia.* Between the ages of 19 and 20.
Okay, Yeah, real life people are just stupid.
Back to the art work.The flashy look of her eyes and the single snaggle tooth on the left side of her mouth complements well with the double middle-finger gesture. Anybody who attacks her for it, Will be seen as attacking a little girl, Haha!
And, As always, Your art style of big boobs on female characters is superb.
I am a novice animator who wants to work for a Professional animation company in the future. Through out my life, I have created many forms of Multi-media works of art. Traditional pencils, Digital images, and 2D/3D animations.
Age 35, Male
Hobby animator
orange coast college
Joined on 1/18/10