The best Update on the Animation I am working on right now is storyboarding. By the end of this week, I will be done with the storyboarding phase of my assigned project from At first my employer did not want me to work on a storyboard. He just wants me to Animate the script that was handed to me by one of ZombieWolf's writers. However I tell them that many a great animation was created with a storyboard before the animation was started. So he agreed and I am now going to be done with it. And when it's done, Everybody can see what I am thinking about doing, before I do it! And once the whole animation is completed and uploaded for the world to see, Maybe my Boss will let me upload the storyboard as well. Or just keep it under wraps for copyright practices.
Also, I had made a slight joke last month about playing Fallout: New Vegas for another three hours. I have been playing that game the same way a drunk would drink alcohol every day. not as bad as a total bad habit that interferes with my daily life. But I have to admit that It has cut into my time as an animator a lot! But now that I have completed 2/3rd of the game, It won't become a problem with progress soon.
Seeing that Half the year is over with, I REALLY need to get myself ready to apply myself into the media industry soon! If I don't get into the Animation industry, Then I can apply for the comics industry and/or the fancy illustration industry. Whatever comes first.