Same as last month, I am still working on Animating the first scene of the project given to me by And I am hounestly almost done with it.
Last week, I have figured out an important fact about animating a character while the camera is moving. Something I had learned after it was too late! When I first animated a character walking towards the camera, I had animated the background separete from the character. I made the background reduce in size over time to indicate the camera is moving away from what the viewer is seeing. And then I animated a character not only walking towards the camera, but also increase in size. becaouse everything grows and shinks as they move closer and away from view. It wosent until this time that I realized, I should have animated both characters and backgrounds on one layer. NOT on two layers!
It's now bad that the first scene in my next animation will look a little off. But it is good that I have learned how to animate a moving character while the camera is also moving. You animate the background WITH the character!
In other news, Not only did I become a level 22 Animator, But also I have asscented to the rank of Police Captain! I may not be appart of the Newgrounds millitary branch . . .Yet, But in the mean time I am one of the highest ranking civilians of Newgrounds. So having the tital of Captrain is still cool!