This year has been a slow start. But as of this date, I have recived in the mail a new Animation program! Simply titled: MOHO Pro 12. Last month I said I would look around for different animation programs to get into. And obviusly I did not do that. I looked around a few times. And when I realized that Smith Micro was doing a %50 off sail on MOHO, (Which is basically Anime Studio renamed.) I just said to myself, "What the hell? I'll go for it!"
Normally I'm very frugal about what to purchase online. But There just so many pros for me to get MOHO pro 12 right now. No pun intended. So with a new animation program to tinker around with, I'll be more motivated to get somthing done this month.
Sheesh. These Journals are mostly about recording myself, rather than letting others know what I'm doing. Whatever. Life goes on.